...to develop, maintain and promote the Association for players and supporters of all its teams within the community of Casey and its environs -with the express purpose of achieving the highest standards as a Christian based soccer association.
...to encourage and promote Christian values andethics within the Association, with other participating (opposition) teams andtowards the broader community
...to achieve an environment for personaldevelopment of members socially and in terms of playing team sports skilfullyand at their best.
Berwick Churches Soccer Club has a long and proud history within our community and Association. Our roots go back to when the idea of a soccer club was raised at the AGM of Doveton Reformed Church in 1969. The following year, in 1970 'Doveton Reformed Church Soccer Club' was born, fielding one senior team.
It wasn't until 1991 that we had our own junior teams, which were inherited from the 'Doveton Baptist Soccer Club', a club which had folded the year before. Our home ground was initially based out of Power Reserve until we moved to Chalcot Lodge Reserve, then onto Sweeney Reserve in 2009 and now establishing ourselves at Grices Road Recreational Reserve from 2012.
Throughout this period, we have seen steady and sometimes booming growth. This has lead the club to have a thriving KickStart program for our youngest participants, 38+ Junior teams across all age groups (including all girls teams in various age groups), 6 Senior Men’s teams and 2 Senior Women’s teams, with recent additions to our club offerings including the incredible Berwick Soccer Academy, Holiday Programs and School Programs.
Hearts to hearts and hands to hands,
Beneath the blue, red and white we stand,
We shout, God bless our native land!
Berwick, Berwick!
Out we come, out we come, out we come to play,
Just for recreations sake, to pass the time away,
Lots of fun, heaps of fun, enjoy yourselves today,
Berwick boys/girls (whatever appropriate) are hard to beat when they come out to play
So join in the chorus and sing it one and all,
Join in the chorus, Berwick’s on the ball,
Good old Berwick, we’re champions you’ll agree,
Berwick will be premiers, just you wait and see!