
at bcsc

Kickstart is fantastic program for young kids aged 4-6 to learn and improve their soccer skills and knowledge in a safe environment.

One of the most important aspects of our KickStart program is active parental involvement, and we know that it has a multitude of positive benefits to the kids and the program overall.

The kids feel safer and more confident, parents feel more involved and invested, and you will be able to spend some quality time with your child while they learn some new skills!

The KickStart program runs in two different format over the course of the year. In Term 4 we have our summer program, this runs on Monday evenings (between 5:30-6:30pm) for a period of approximately 10 weeks.

During Term 2 and Term 3 we run our winter program, this runs on Saturday mornings between 9am-10am and runs across the winter season.

Kickstart Coordinator

Daniel Prins

